Angel Gual
6 min read

Website oriented as a personal blog and portfolio for future projects

August 1, 2022

In the development of any professional career, we all need a place where we will store our progress and projects so that it is easy to consult this data in the future.

In the case of any computer-related career, it is important to carry a portfolio that contains a compilation of our life projects as professionals, an area where any employer can easily access information about our knowledge and skills to easily find us.

A website is a perfect place to store all this information as it can be accessed by anyone through the internet, so we can access our portfolio from anywhere as long as the internet is available. On this website I will host my future projects and those that I have already carried out, as well as the achievements and certificates that I obtain in my professional career.

Additional information on future projects

Although I already have some projects underway that you can see on this blog, I plan to do more projects that will help me and others find a place in the world of free and open source software, so I will mention some of these projects:

· A section of this blog that will present useful tips for those users not so experienced in GNU/Linux.

· Implementation of improvements and functionalities in the Veapysh project.

· Development of more programs written mainly in python, although I will eventually publish with other programming languages.

These are some projects that I can mention that will be added to this website, so stay tuned for future updates. In case you are interested in any of the projects under development, go to the contact section and send me a message on one of my social networks, or to my personal email.